How to Buy EazySwap Token Crypto (EAZY)

How to buy EazySwap Token Crypto

What is EazySwap Token (EAZY)?

According to Coingecko, EazySwap Token is : EazySwap is a Decentralized Exchange with an Automated Market Maker (AMM), native to PulseChain. It is based on a dual token system, consisting of the native liquid EAZY and its escrowed version xEAZY, which is a non-transferable governance token - also known as Staked EAZY. Key Features on EazySwap - Secure Token Swapping with Lowest Fees - Liquidity Provision (earning rewards by providing LP) - Farming (earning rewards by staking LP in farm) - Protocol Profit Sharing (by allocating xEAZY in Profit Sharing Program) - Launchpad Participation (by allocating xEAZY in Launchpad Program) - Governance Voting (by allocating xEAZY in Governance Program) DEX with Future Once EazySwap reaches a mature stage and successfully attracts a significant amount of liquidity, majority of emissions will be distributed in xEAZY. This will provide a high level of control on the supply flow on the market. Initially, the majority of protocol earnings derived from swap fees will be allocated towards redistributing real yield to xEAZY token holders. A portion of these earnings will be utilized for buybacks and burns, ensuring a consistent buying pressure on EAZY tokens. This mechanism aims to provide continuous value appreciation and supports the long-term stability of the EazySwap ecosystem. Additional pros for bright future with EAZY - Capped Maximum supply - Strategically designed and pro-actively adjusted emissions - Deflationary Mechanism - Regular EAZY buybacks

Where can I buy EAZY Crypto?

The best website to buy EazySwap Token is Simpleswap.

With Simpleswap you can buy almost every reputable token without needing to register or providing proof of identity. The process is incredibly simple and quick.

How to Buy EazySwap Token on Simpleswap

To buy EazySwap Token on Simpleswap, first you need to click here to access the Simpleswap App. Now, click the "Buy Crypto" tab, select your fiat currency, and then select EAZY, just like in this example:

Buy EazySwap Token on Simpleswap

Once you selected the currency you want to pay in, and EAZY, you need to paste your respective wallet address where you want to receive your EAZY.

With Simpleswap, you'll receive your EazySwap Token directly on your on-chain wallet without need to deposit and withdraw like in every other exchange.

You can now choose between Google Pay or card to complete the payment:

Buy Polygon on Simpleswap

Once you complete the payment, all you gotta do is wait a few minutes for the payment confirmation, and for the on-chain transaction to complete. Once all that is completed you should see your updated balance in your wallet.

Check out EazySwap Token links:

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