How to Buy Liquid ATOM Crypto (LATOM)

How to buy Liquid ATOM Crypto

What is Liquid ATOM (LATOM)?

According to Coingecko, Liquid ATOM is : What is the project about? Veno launched on 14 Dec 202. It is a liquid staking protocol where you can stake your CRO and ATOM and receive the auto-compounding, yield-bearing receipt token LCRO and LATOM. We are a vertically integrated liquid staking protocol, maximizing the reliability and efficiency of our service; allowing us to provide a price-competitive service in the long term; - Cost savings are achieved by leveraging our own node infrastructure and/or infrastructure of our partners - Reliability is achieved with our enterprise-grade node set-up and deep expertise in running node infrastructure - We also have an insurance module that will help to secure user funds in the unlikely event of a slashing penalty We will aim to maximize the adoption and utility of our tokens across the ecosystem, and we are working with some of the largest ecosystem partners to make this happen; - We want to maximize the liquidity of LCRO and LATOM in the Cronos Ecosystem and beyond, attracting the largest amount of capital, and attaining the lowest spread, with our high reliability and low-fee promises - LCRO and LATOM are auto-compounding yield-bearing token to maximize composability - We can further maximize user liquidity by providing a tradeable NFT after user unstakes their CRO

Where can I buy LATOM Crypto?

The best website to buy Liquid ATOM is Simpleswap.

With Simpleswap you can buy almost every reputable token without needing to register or providing proof of identity. The process is incredibly simple and quick.

How to Buy Liquid ATOM on Simpleswap

To buy Liquid ATOM on Simpleswap, first you need to click here to access the Simpleswap App. Now, click the "Buy Crypto" tab, select your fiat currency, and then select LATOM, just like in this example:

Buy Liquid ATOM on Simpleswap

Once you selected the currency you want to pay in, and LATOM, you need to paste your respective wallet address where you want to receive your LATOM.

With Simpleswap, you'll receive your Liquid ATOM directly on your on-chain wallet without need to deposit and withdraw like in every other exchange.

You can now choose between Google Pay or card to complete the payment:

Buy Polygon on Simpleswap

Once you complete the payment, all you gotta do is wait a few minutes for the payment confirmation, and for the on-chain transaction to complete. Once all that is completed you should see your updated balance in your wallet.

Check out Liquid ATOM links:

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