How to Buy Stride Crypto (STRD)
What is Stride (STRD)?
According to Coingecko, Stride is : STRD is the governance token of the Stride blockchain, functioning as a pivotal component of its decision-making structure. Holders of STRD have the ability to stake their tokens, earning rewards composed of both STRD and rewards derived from liquid staked tokens. This token lets users to participate actively in on-chain governance processes, including voting on matters such as validator selection and chain upgrades. Its core functions remain intact as Stride adopts Interchain Security (ICS). STRD holders can continue staking their tokens to receive rewards, a combination of both STRD and rewards derived from liquid staked tokens. This allows them to actively engage in on-chain decisions and voting processes, influencing choices like validator selection and upgrades. To ensure sustainability, the emission of STRD as staking rewards was decreased in half from the original tokenomics. A portion of staking rewards, 15%, is shared with the Cosmos Hub, fostering collaboration between the two ecosystems. The STRD token remains essential, serving as a pillar of governance influence and staking opportunities within Stride's evolving landscape.
Where can I buy STRD Crypto?
The best website to buy Stride is Simpleswap.
With Simpleswap you can buy almost every reputable token without needing to register or providing proof of identity. The process is incredibly simple and quick.

How to Buy Stride on Simpleswap
To buy Stride on Simpleswap, first you need to click here to access the Simpleswap App. Now, click the "Buy Crypto" tab, select your fiat currency, and then select STRD, just like in this example:

Once you selected the currency you want to pay in, and STRD, you need to paste your respective wallet address where you want to receive your STRD.
With Simpleswap, you'll receive your Stride directly on your on-chain wallet without need to deposit and withdraw like in every other exchange.
You can now choose between Google Pay or card to complete the payment:

Once you complete the payment, all you gotta do is wait a few minutes for the payment confirmation, and for the on-chain transaction to complete. Once all that is completed you should see your updated balance in your wallet.

Check out Stride links:
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